The main aim of therapy for dysphagia is to restore the ability to ingest food orally as far as possible and to reduce the risk of aspiration.
Different therapeutic approaches are used depending on the type and severity of the swallowing disorder:
Compensatory procedures
Adaptive procedures
Complete restoration of a normal swallowing process will not always be achievable. In the case of moderate to severe dysphagia, it may also be necessary to change the form of oral nutrition or to provide partial or complete nutrition by means of a gastrostomy tube (G-Tube) in the long term. In the case of severe dysphagia, where aspiration of saliva or secretions cannot be ruled out, the patient may also need to be fitted with a blocked tracheostomy tube. In this case, the aim of therapy is to initiate and secure the swallowing function and thus wean the patient off the tracheostomy tube.